our Board of Directors
The FOHS constitution defines the make up and roles of the Board of Directors. Annually, at the September general meeting, directors are elected for three year terms, and the elections are scheduled as such that there is a limited number of new members allowing for consistency on the Board. Click to download a pdf copy of the constitution and bylaws.
Jim Weaver, President, Finance Committee, CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE
Jim is a former School Administrator and business owner.
Ph: (778) 350-6018 Email: louisvii@telus.net
Victor Aldrete, MD, Vice President, CHAIR HH Committee
Victor’s professional activities over the last eighteen years has been between St. John’s NL and Calgary, AB which included over two thousand open heart operations and over six hundred other operations of peripheral vascular, pulmonary and cardiac rhythm problems. Victor brings a wealth of knowledge to the First Open Heart Society of BC.
Ph: (250) 995-3060 Email: drvaldrete@gmail.com
Robert des Trois Maisons, SECRETARY, HH Committee, VISITATION Committee
Robert des Trois Maisons was born in Montreal, but grew up in Quebec and England. Robert has a degree in theology from Oxford and two law degrees from McGill. His experience includes being “in house” counsel for Alcan including living in Sydney, Australia for 2 years. For 13 years he served as VP and General Counsel to BC Investment Management Corporation. In 2014 Robert had heart surgery.
Ph: (250) 370-5426 Email: robertdtm@shaw.ca
Colin is a Certified Public Accountant with a small practice, which allows him time for volunteering. He has been on the Board of a private company as well as a condominium in Ottawa, and had recent open heart surgery.
Ph: (778) 486-6809 Email: colin_kingsford@yahoo.com
ANDREW WADE, chair visitation committee
Andrew is retired after 40 years in the construction industry. He was the development/project manager of the 73-suite Ronald McDonald House on the Children's Hospital campus in Vancouver, which was a full-time volunteer position.
Ph: (250) 744-0322 Email: adjwade@telus.net
keith hutchinson, HH Committee, CONSTRUCTION COMMITTEE
(604) 340-2335 • ascottpt@shaw.ca
Vacant, director
Interested in getting involved?
You can contact us for information by phone: (250) 595-2123 or e-mail: admin@fohs.ca